Monday, November 28, 2016

The Hash Driveway

During season five, the boys struggle over one very important thing: their newly created hash driveway. At the beginning of the season, the boys get out of jail and find themselves broke and homeless, requiring them to stay with Ray for the time being. As a result of this, the boys get extremely desperate in their schemes to make money. Julian comes up with an idea to rob Cyrus and his henchman Terry and Dennis, thus earning them several kilos of hash. Once they realize just how much hash they stole, the boys decide the best way to hide it is in plain sight. In the dark of night, the trio melts down the hash and they form it into a fake driveway in front of Ray’s trailer. As time goes on, the boys sell the hash little by little, leaving Lahey, Randy and the police completely clueless of what’s going on


  1. I've never even heard of this show but it sounds hilarious! What a great plan they had! Well now I know that if I ever decide to steal a bunch of hash, that I should make a driveway out of it. I guess I have to start watching this show now, hopefully I'm in for some laughs.

  2. wait at least 24 hours before driving on it; 48-72 would be even better. After your paving contractor picks up and leaves, the asphalt surface is still soft and susceptible to the weight of vehicles.chicken fence
